Emily K Center

A Sophisticated Website for an Education-Focused Nonprofit

Founded by Duke coaching legend Mike Krzyzewski, the Emily K Center offers a series of programs that empower students to pursue higher education opportunities. The nonprofit is named for Krzyzewski’s mother Emily, who played a significant role in shaping his own educational journey.

The Emily K Center approached us for a polished nonprofit website design that would highlight their range of programs, showcase their mission and values, and outline opportunities for community involvement. We were excited to partner with the organization to bring their vision to life.

A People-First Design

Because so much of the Emily K Center is defined by the students that it serves, the website prominently features photography on every page. These visuals add a uniquely human touch that makes the work more tangible for donors and volunteers and more relatable for prospective participants.

Aside from the images, design highlights include eye-catching statistic blocks, engaging content sliders, integrated videos, and distinctive sections for FAQ content, staff bios, and more. The overall effect is a sleek and modern website that matches the professionalism that the Emily K Center projects in their work.

Comprehensive Layouts

The site’s interior pages include a number of custom layouts that were designed to efficiently display the Emily K Center’s content. Program pages, for example, include innovative features like interactive tabs, a “sticky” subnav, and a calendar integration that makes it easy to identify upcoming events. Additionally, the program pages bring together relevant resources, videos, and social media updates to ensure that all information is available in one convenient location.

Other noteworthy layouts include a news feed, a Board of Directors listing, and a comprehensive guide to Giving.

Positioned for Future Success

From the beginning, it was clear that the Emily K Center would be best served by a website that could scale easily and adapt to their changing needs. Thus, we built the site on a versatile WordPress base that allows admins to update content and create new layouts as needed.

This was especially important in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, as the center was able to use the website to efficiently distribute information and resources and update their online calendar to reflect scheduling changes.

We’ve enjoyed working with the nonprofit as they’ve made the site their own, and we look forward to offering support as they continue to utilize the new digital presence.