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Young Professionals Nonprofit Launches Site

Emerging Tar Heel Leaders' new Web site educates early-career individuals

Research Triangle Park, N.C.-New Media Campaigns, a leader in serving nonprofit organizations, businesses and political campaigns through providing Internet-based marketing solutions and Web development tools, is pleased to announce the launch of a Web site for Emerging Tar Heel Leaders. The nonprofit organization aims to enhance North Carolina's public life through helping individuals who have recently embarked on a career to gain knowledge, join new networks and strengthen leadership skills.

Developed as a small network in the summer of 2003, Emerging Tar Heel Leaders has since provided a full-day leadership summit for more than 100 early-career professionals and has organized other events designed to allow such individuals to build relationships with both other young leaders and with experienced leaders. It seeks to help young professionals learn about current and emerging issues facing North Carolina, in part through an online blog, and it also strives to introduce these leaders to the career tools necessary for them to take an active role as citizens of the state.

To reach busy individuals across the state, Emerging Tar Heels Leaders depends on a strong online presence, a goal that it has made into a reality by working with New Media Campaigns.

"The Emerging Tar Heel Leaders program offers North Carolina's newest professionals an innovative resource for both enhancing their careers and enhancing their state," said Zach Clayton, New Media Campaigns' founder. "We are extremely proud to become a part of their efforts by creating a Web site to serve as a platform for their activities."

New Media Campaigns uses groundbreaking technology to help clients like Emerging Tar Heel Leaders transform basic HTML Web sites into unique vehicles of cost-effective marketing that offer a better way to reach audiences. The company's Web-based software gives clients the tools necessary for every phase of an online project, from streamlining information to educate new visitors to designing e-mail operations to keep old members updated on the organization's activities.