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NMC's Content Management System Enhances Wood Wise Website

Collaborating with local design studio, NMC gives the remodeling company a powerful online presence

New Media Campaigns launched the new website for Raleigh based design and remodeling company Wood Wise at New Media Campaigns utilized their content management system to manage the new website while White & Satterfield, a Raleigh advertising and design studio, provided the custom design.

New Media previously worked with Wood Wise to develop the company's search engine optimization and stepped in when the company decided to take more control of their site with a new design and content management system.

The new content management system allows for Wood Wise to have a greater amount of ease and flexibility when editing and adding new content to their site.

Wood Wise can further highlight their work through an engaging new portfolio that also gives potential clients the ability to view various projects in different categories.

New Media continuously develops agency partnerships with various design firms such as White & Satterfield. The Wood Wise website was a total rebranding effort by White & Satterfield, transforming the company's old website into one that is lighter, more inviting, and much better organized.

As New Media Campaigns continues to further develop their relationship with current clients, the company is also focused on expanding their client base within the Raleigh area and across the nation. New Media also plans to better serve their clients with a newly developed content management system, known as HiFi, scheduled for completion in early 2010.