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NMC Launches New Campaign Website for Democratic U.S. Senate Candidate Elaine Marshall

CARRBORO, N.C. - New Media Campaigns recently launched a website for Democratic North Carolina Senatatorial candidate, Elaine Marshall. You can see her new site here at

Marshall wanted her website to reflect the importance of supporting women in her campaign. She came to NMC because not only do they specialize in democratic website design, but they custom design every site they work on for that candiate's needs. Marshall's website features a homepage rotation displaying her campaign issues, one of which is her dissatisfaction with current seatholder Richard Burr's repeated votes against women.

The site is built on New Media's Content Management System, giving the campaign the ability to add and edit unlimited pages and multimedia to the site. The campaign hopes to use the CMS to keep voters informed on its platform and important news events. 

The latest news is featured on the homepage along with testimonials of support for Marshall. The campaign chose to highlight voter testimonials to demonstrate the diversity of support for its cause.

"It's very exciting to work with a Senate candidate in our company's home state," said lead developer Joel Sutherland. "We love the way the project came together and can see that the technology is being put to great use."