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NMC Designs Environmental Company's Website on Tight Deadline

Due to an upcoming business conference, New Media Campaigns successfully developed and launched Marine Debris Solutions’ website in only 10 short days. 

Marine Debris Solutions, an organization powered by the American Chemistry Council, focuses its efforts on reducing waste in our oceans.  They needed a website that would act as an all-inclusive information center for all company business.  They needed it to promote their business and advocate their cause.  And they needed it quickly.

NMC completed the HTML/CSS coding in a little over one week.  The new website is laid out against a blue ocean background and was fully functional by deadline.  The new layout complements the company’s mission to clean up the world’s oceans through programs and initiatives. 

The site also features a scrolling homepage bar, social media integration, and a News Room where visitors can get the latest information about ocean conservation.  The site has embedded YouTube videos highlighting important speeches, interviews and events. 

Marine Debris Solutions were  happy the NMC team could create such a quality website on such a tight deadline.    NMC, located in Carrboro, NC, has created over 500 websites including politicalbusinessgovernmental and nonprofit websites.