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NMC builds a feature-packed website for the Children's Mental Health Network

New Media Campaigns recently launched a new website packed full of features for the Children’s Mental Health Network.

The Children’s Mental Health Network is a partnership between communities, practitioners, families, and individuals seeking to learn and share information regarding children’s mental health issues.  This network creates a community for those affected by or involved with children’s mental health.

NMC created an intuitive website built around the specific needs of the CMHN.  The new website addresses CMHN concerns such as increasing popularity and attracting new members to the cause.   NMC also lead a rebranding initiative for CMHN that resulted in a new company logo.  The new layered logo represents the different layers of mental health and its effects on children.

The new site, which is operated by NMC’s content management system, HiFi, features an advocacy section that conveniently allows people to tweet or email their legislators with a pre-written message stressing the importance of acting to improve children’s mental health issues.  The site also features action alerts that allow website visitors to easily share new time-sensitive information with their community.

Continuing to spread the word about the CMHN, NMC designed an interactive map that helps website visitors locate children's mental health groups around the nation.   Once a visitor selects a specific group, they can view a complete informational profile about them.  This is an incredibly useful tool for anyone trying to locate help.  The site also directs visitors to a resources section allowing them to view categorized material and download information as they wish. 

In order to create the feeling of a community, the new site features exclusive web groups that allow members to login and communicate with each other.  Group administers can publish new information to the entire group, enhancing communication between members and keeping everyone updated on group happenings.  

NMC, located in Carrboro, NC, has created over 500 websites including political, business, governmental and nonprofit websites.