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New Media Campaigns Launches National Nonprofit Website for College Advising Corps

Carrboro, N.C.-New Media Campaigns, a full service North Carolina web design company, is pleased to announce the launch of acomprehensive website for the National College Advising Corps at

The Advising Corps is the product of the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, a privateorganization created in 2000 to help talented young adults live up to theirhighest potential through education. In 2007, the foundation created theNational College Advising Corps program to train recent college graduates to beguides or counselors at low-income high schools and community colleges. Theprogram is based on the University of Virginia's College Guide Program, whichemerged in 2005, and it is particularly focused on helping students who will bethe first members of their families to attend a college or university.

Today participation in the corps is open to the recent graduates of 10leading schools: Brown University, Franklin and Marshall College, LoyolaCollege in Maryland, Pennsylvania State University, Tufts University, theUniversity of Alabama, the University of California-Berkeley, the University ofMissouri-Columbia, the University of Utah, and the University of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill, which serves as the program's headquarters. The program'screators aim to help low-income students learn more about applying forfinancial aid - a process that can be confusing and may prevent some of themfrom applying to college.

The design highlights the empowering abilities of advising with a Flash showon the home page.  The layout invitesvisitors to learn more about the Advising Corps as well as how they might getinvolved.  The site also features several password protected areas that provide information and resources to advisers and administrators.

"The National College Advising Corps is an innovative program that isdoing important work," said Clay Schossow, New Media Campaigns' projectmanager. "We were thrilled to work with its creators to give them greaterreach through the web.”

New Media Campaigns uses leading technology to help clients like theNational College Advising Corps capture audiences' attention. The NorthCarolina design firm's clients include nonprofit organizations, politicalcandidates and other businesses, and it takes pride in offering groundbreakingWeb-based solutions to guide these clients through every step of a successfulmarketing campaign.