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New Media Campaigns Launches Countywide Coalition Website in Florida


Carrboro, N.C. -- New Media Campaigns, a full service Raleigh web design firm, is pleased to announce the launch of a new website for the PolkCitizens for Good Government coalition of Polk, Florida at

The new site gives the group an attractive webpresence and allows them to educate other citizens on three importantamendments that will be on the ballot in the upcoming November election. Thedesign invites visitors to educate themselves about the amendments, and alsoencourages supporters to join their coalition through membership forms, anemail update sign-up, and information on how to contribute. is controlled throughNMC's industry-leading content management software

"We've enjoyed working with Polk Citizens,"said Clay Schossow, a New Media Campaigns project manager. "They've engagedus in the design and maintenance of the site, and it really has become theirown."

One of the main reasons the intitiative chose to work with New Media Campaigns is the company's experience in building political campaign websites for candidates and issues at all levels across the nation.

About New Media Campaigns 
New Media Campaigns is a full service North Carolina web design and marketing firm.New Media custom designs every site that they work on and equips each with thecompany's proprietary content management and marketing system to better reachvoters, clients and stakeholders. The company's Web-based software givesclients the tools necessary for every phase of an online marketing campaign,from managing content to creating specialized e-mail marketing campaigns. NewMedia Campaigns works with political campaigns, non-profits, businesses andacts as the technology arm for several advertising and PRfirms.


MEDIA CONTACT: Clay Schossow, 919-485-4118,